Friday, December 14, 2012

Much harder to be better.

Hello, today I will talk about that many people wondered if required. How much is hard to tell what will look good. I have no answers on this question. Most men use the Internet is not 100 minus the 110 women took to the Internet as well. However, on the way to the course because it does not say how much fat you have.

 This is the second example I would have the same weight same height. One weight division. Will come from fat. But most of the weight comes from muscle. Which the majority of the weight. Of the muscle is better than that. Weight of fat for that.

 If you want a healthy body and weight were not measured here. I measured the volume If you want to have a muscular body and I need to keep a healthy diet in conjunction with it.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

6 Pack awry.

Hello, today I will be talking to a 6 Pack deform well it is not pretty rams it simply means that it is not just that. The way to fix it, I'd say it's because it does not have a 6 Pack awry, it depends on each person's genetic. It can not resolve it. It is the same as it is in the chest. It did not touch me.

To change the size of the muscle, but the play is done, whether you like big muscles. To make muscles smaller. Or want pronounced muscle. This can be done on it. But to make the round and returned the 6 Pack, it can not do these things because it is born with it. However, it is that we have 6 Pack, it is better than no 6 Pack on the very people they are 6 Pack of us, he did not look at the profile of the right one, he's 6 Pack our envy now. I assume it will not.

The conclusion is that it is not round 6 Pack 6 Pack, you have no better than me. Get 6 Pack and most of our large and small are not looking right. And most importantly, you need to exercise regularly to keep it cool good shape and good health deteriorated.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I do not have time for fitness.

Hello good day, I would say to people that I have not had fitness or exercise. I want to build muscle. All you have to do is you have to play it hard. Time can play multiple muscle. Is to play a lot of heavy weight on it to get a body part.

The challenge this muscle mainly large pieces. Because it's time to hit the small muscles such as the BI process strikes me now when I play my chest and the other is the time, do not waste time with your friends too. If you stay long. Your body temperature will decrease. When you play a spell. You may also be injured. The ideal time to pause between sets is 45-90 seconds.

Conclusion was discontinued, but I need to play hard. Take a break between sets, 45-90 seconds, but I need to eat a lot of repurposing service. And the final. Fasted overnight 6-8 hours.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Walking on the runway. How to burn fat through a lot more than that.

Hello, today I will talk about the way to run. That it is better when you want to burn fat through the yard. You may have heard that walking burns more fat running through the yard. Yes, it is true. It can burn through a lot of the fat than running. The only time you exercise. If you shut down the system, it will stop burning through a courtyard.

 But if you exercise by running. To burn through a lot less to run. But after you stop exercise to burn fat through your yard, it continued to work for several hours on. It's different from a lot of walking. Let's say if you walk 50 minutes to burn through your yard will work just 50 minutes to walk, but if you run 50 minutes to burn through a lot, it's actually less work. But after you finish running through your yard to burn it to work. No matter where you went to sleep friends watching TV, it was still working for the next several hours.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Weight loss in people with muscle.

Weight loss and muscle to play in this place means to lose weight by playing Magic. This is a relatively slow weight loss results than other methods such as pills weight loss diet weight loss is that these methods are attack the body itself is itself immoral. But these reductions are real and fast. Then when you stop using the medicine. I eat normally.

If you eat too much of it can make you fat than walking. I believe that no one will eat the pills and my life. But for weight loss, muscle or play games with the Magic. Will give you a better shape. More important, it will make you fatter than eating it pills or starvation because of what you lose is mostly fat. But if you eat the pills. Or what the diet is mostly water and muscle rather than fat on.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

How muscular arms Barbell.

Arm with muscle fiber is another important part that people with muscular arms and I can play the spell. Easier because of the strength of the muscles in the arm to help lift the weight and arm muscles is also important to take the girls to show off just a little off.

Barbell Curl exercise is that it is short or closed Bryson Biceps brachii short head.

Step 1: Stand upright holding barbells in hand, the distance between the two is as wide as the width of the head, shoulders, elbows, attached to the body to breathe.
Step 2: lifting barbells up and exhale in rhythm with the second try I leaned to the right person. Elbow attached to the same body.
Step 3: Slowly lower the barbells down with breathing. Return to step 1 as it was the first time for 10 4 Asset Management.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Cardio is cardio exercise. Continuously as walking, cycling and water running attack and many more important to do cardio Cardio is to burn fat through the yard. But must do so at least once a week for 4-5 days.

       Cardio Cardio calculated using the formula 220 - age (years) = heart rate (Heart Rate) per minute at the maximum acceptable.

      1. Low Intensity - The intensity cardio classicist at a low Target Heart Rate (THR) is at 55% - 65% throughout the period of exercise.

      2. Medium Intensity - moderate intensity cardio is by THR at 65% - 75% over a period of time. Exercise

      3. High Intensity - cardio and a high concentration of T HR at 75% - 85% throughout the duration of the exercises.

      4. Extra High Intensity - cardio and high intensity training techniques. The entrance to THR above 85% up from time to time. The THR is typically 90% - 95% or more of the close to 100% of Maximum Heart Rate cardio species are extremely difficult. As a result, it can be done in a very short period of time. It is from 4-15 minutes, otherwise your body will not accept violence.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Have the same muscle model.

Play muscle muscle mass, obviously, is that you are already in it, then you reduce% fat to the muscle to make it up to you.

• = This is a diet that I can not finish lol. It is a popular high-protein diets (different with the added muscle), moderate fat, low carbo. Or as we call it coined as "Low carb diet" that makes people talk these days. "Eat starch and fat," which will be the subject of a profile it. That ratio as well. The time you want to eat and the type of Macronutrient (nutrition) of the diet.

• Cardio = walking or running on a treadmill HIIT, which is different to that formula to everything. A week few times a day I have time to do it mainly and we will do the morning after waking up after eating Whey protein is Amino acid, after exercise by playing Magic completed or before which have reason. The reason they do it is only linked to a single core. Level of sugar in the blood and the amount of Glycogen (Carbohydrate energy in the form of the combined water and stored in the muscles), low volume, the "opportunity" of metabolism, such as "fat" as high.

• The rest = rest while the robot LEAN or robot model that is certain and that is at least 8 hours to prevent Hormone stress (family Cortisol) is secreted from the muscle and "stimulate" the fat and Of course, the rest Insulin sensitivity (the ability to get food cells) is going to be great. (What is it to be drawn out. Not easily stored as fat. In particular, they are family flour), and finally, of course, that sleep is not enough to sleep with a full body, head pressure, dizziness, numb some low, some high, then Cardio heart rate up, but I almost died. And just as many side effects.